Christmas Revision

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MME Team 14 December 2017

At Maths Made Easy we understand that the festive season is a mixed time for students. Those in year 11, 12 and 13 may have already had some mock exams and you are looking forward to your Christmas break but others have mocks coming up in the New Year and will therefore be revising over Christmas.

The question is how do you revise during Christmas and can you or should you have any time off? The following 5 pointers are what we think are crucial for a successful Christmas revision period.

  1. Well as with any revision period, organisation is key. Many people like to make revision timetables and keep track of the past papers they have done. Well this is where Maths Made Easy can begin to help. As part of our new student logins you will have access to timetables and exam paper trackers so you can keep track of all the past papers you have done.
  2. Focus and motivation are so important. Whilst everyone is getting in the Christmas spirit, the Christmas jumpers are out and the festive songs playing in every shop, bar and restraint you go into, the temptation is to immerse yourself in Christmas and forget about your exams for a while but don’t give in to temptation! Stay focused and stick to your plan and you will enjoy the time you do have off even more.
  3. You will need to take some days off. Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s day are a given. For the rest of your 2-3 week break our advice is to revise and treat each day like a school day the only difference being, you get up a little later and you effectively get home a little earlier as there is no travel and no need to get ready for school. Work from 9 to 3.30 with an hour and a half break spread out throughout this time so that you keep focused during each revision block.
  4. Study buddies are always a nice idea. If you can pair up with someone who has the same grade aspirations as you and you know they will work hard, this can help with motivation and maybe that extra push you need.
  5. Correct your mistakes. This is our biggest tip when it actually comes to revision itself and although it sounds obvious many students do not do this. Whether you are doing an AQA A Level Maths past exam paper, or a Maths Made Easy GCSE Maths prime factors worksheet, make sure you focus solely on the questions you have got wrong and look to collate your corrections so that as you get closer to the exams you are able to come back to them and ensure you have learnt all of these corrections.
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MME Team

We help thousands of students each year with revision, courses and online exams.