
Exam Paper Marking Service

MME offers a professional exam marking service for the core GCSE subject of maths, English and science. The marked papers come with detailed feedback suggesting topic areas to work on to help improve your grade on the next exam. The process for registering and submitting your exam papers is simple and is outlined below.

Purchase Marking ServiceHow it works

Get valuable feedback to guide your revision

The marked papers come with detailed feedback suggesting topic areas to work on to help improve your grade on the next exam. 

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1 Registration

You can purchase marked feedback when you buy your papers or you can purchase marked feedback at any point after this. There is often a discount applied to the service if you purchase the papers and marking at the same time as this is easier to administer, however if you forgot to add this on at the point of exam paper purchase you can always add it on now.

You can select the number of papers you wish to be marked. If you purchased 3 exam sets you may not want all papers marked, so select the individual number of papers to suit your needs.

  • Select the number of papers you would like to be marked

  • Discount applied if selected at the point of exam paper purchase

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2 Complete the papers and submit

Complete the paper to the best of your ability in exam conditions; the full instructions for the time needed and equipment required will be on the front of the paper.

Next, send your completed paper to MME. This can be done by either scanning the completed papers or taking pictures of your completed papers and then emailing them in to [email protected], as long as the written content is readable, our examiners will dedicate their time to marking and providing valuable feedback. If your handwriting is not eligible, our markers may struggle to provide accurate marks. If you struggle with handwriting, feel free to type up your answers in a word doc. However you send your completed papers back to us, ensure you include your name and order number. 

  • Send your completed papers back to us

  • We'll acknowledge receipt

  • We’ll process it internally ready for the exams team

Send My Papers

3 Receive your personalised feedback

You will receive a copy of your exam report within 5 working days of submitting it to us. This will contain feedback on how you performed in each question, as well as highlighting your strengths and weaknesses across all topic areas covered. This can be used to help you formulate a more targeted revision plan and get the most out of the time you spend revising.

  • Get detailed feedback on what went well and not so well

  • Your strengths and weaknesses highlighted

  • Advice on which topics/areas to revise to improve your grade

View Maths Marked feedback example View Science Marked feedback example View English Marked feedback example See which products offer Marked Feedback

Frequently Asked Questions

Currently, this service is only available for GCSE maths, English and science. We may expand this subject range and level in the future so keep an eye out. See all products we offer marked feedback for here

Yes, although we encourage purchasing the marking add-on at the point of exam purchase, you can add this service at any time via this product. 

Purchase Exam Marking Service 

Upload my completed Exam papers 

Please use the following link to upload your completed exam papers.
Upload my completed Exam papers 

The marked feedback will be sent via email to the email address which was used to upload the papers.
You can upload your completed paper using the following link: Upload my completed Exam papers 

After you have uploaded your feedback, it normally takes up to 5 working days to get your marked feedback. You are able to purchase Fast track, this will get your feedback within 2 working days. 

No, currently we only offer the detailed marking service for MME branded exam papers. We are unable to offer this for exam board past papers.

What's included in your feedback?

You will receive feedback on areas you did well on and areas that you could work on (if any!) for every question within the paper. The examiner will also provide you with an exam summary based on the entire paper, as well as your total marks.

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Exam summary

Get your exam summary for every paper which details your total mark and outlines the performance in the paper as a whole

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Individual question feedback

Each question is marked, showing you which part of the answer satisfied a marking point. Comments are also provided.

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Feedback report

The report will list the topic areas you have covered and highlight which areas you did well on and which areas you need to work on.

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Get valuable feedback to guide your revision

The marked papers come with detailed feedback suggesting topic areas to work on to help improve your grade on the next exam.

Reviews from happy customers